The Humanity Appointment® – Business


The Humanity Appointment Corporate Subscribers represent profit and non-profit organizations that provide goods and services which recognize and enhance the quality and dignity of human lives, and they do so subscribing to the belief that, because no human being chooses how and where they were born, their employees, officers, and board of directors will respect and accept the uniqueness of each of their customers and employees. That each is equal as a human being to any of their organization’s employees, officers and board of directors, regardless of job title, rank or compensation. That they will treat each without prejudice regardless of their religion, race, age, national origin, gender or sexual orientation.  For your employees & offices get the Humanity Appointment posters today and become part of the solution.  Proceeds benefit the champions who have survived terrorism worldwide.

“The Humanity Appointment” is a registered trademark of The Humanity Appointment Corporation.

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